
This blog is mainly taken from my Great Grandfather's diary. In 2012 we are in the year 1915, after completing 1916 in 2010 and 1927 in 2011. 1915 is the year that my Great Uncle Norman was born. 1927 is the year that my Great Uncle Roger, was born. 1916 was the year that my grandmother, Annah Lee was born.

My Great-Grandfather's name was Bonnie Elmore and he worked as a clerk or secretary for the old Norfolk & Western Railroad, based in Roanoke, VA. Mary is his wife. Norman is their first born son. The Raines are Mary's parents. Skin is Bonnie's brother along with Jake.

Bonnie's work associates and friends are also mentioned quite a bit. Bonnie does a great job of blending everyday life in 1915 with the mention of some world and USA history as well. I do know from a quick glance ahead that 1915 is going to be quite different as Bonnie did not write quite as much.

After Bonnie's diary entry, I will occasionally make comments, maybe tell a little about life in 2012, possibly some current events, and some musing about the Christian faith.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Suits, Sacrament, and Sunday School

On Sunday, January 9, 1927 Bonnie Elmore wrote: Cold-Clear. (Snow at night.) Arose at 6:30 Made two fires. Took out ashes. Shaved. Took the children to Sunday School and church. Dr. Violette preached. It was fine. Mr. and Mrs. Jolly brought us home in car. Wore my new blue cheviot suit. Helped to serve Sacrament. Mary stayed at home. She is sick. I read all p.m. The children went to little Dunkard Church at 7 p.m. From yesterday: I got a kick out of the statement that Norman raised a "howl" about the picture show. I am guessing that maybe Norman wanted to go see a movie and wasn't allowed to, but that is just a guess on my part. Also, I wish I knew who Jane was, it sounds like she is pretty sick. I found out from the 1916 diary that apparently my grand-mother Annah Lee was named after an Aunt Annah. Bonnie and Mary's third child is named Jane, everyone called her "Baby Jane" which makes me think that maybe there is an adult Jane that she was named after and this may be who is now in the hospital. In today's entry, Bonnie takes the kids to church while Mary stays home sick. Sounds like they may have had a guest preacher. I laughed too when Bonnie said he did "fine". I wonder if Bonnie means that as a compliment like "He did a fine job!" or more as it was acceptable and just o.k. I know, I am probably over sensitive to those kind of remarks considering what I do on Sunday mornings. Bonnie got to wear the new suit and he helped serve Communion. I found it very interesting that the children went to a Dunkard church on Sunday evening. I had not heard that before. In 2011, we had a pretty good day at church. The crowd was a little off due to the cold weather I would assume. I think the preacher did fine. HA! Came home from church and folded about 4 loads of laundry. Relaxing the rest of the day. Caleb is out playing ball with friends. Rachel is studying and Beth is reading. I plan on watching some football and reading my Bible. Caleb I think will go to Villa Heights Church tonight. Funny the similarities I guess. Some things have changed a lot in 84 years and some things are very much the same.

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