
This blog is mainly taken from my Great Grandfather's diary. In 2012 we are in the year 1915, after completing 1916 in 2010 and 1927 in 2011. 1915 is the year that my Great Uncle Norman was born. 1927 is the year that my Great Uncle Roger, was born. 1916 was the year that my grandmother, Annah Lee was born.

My Great-Grandfather's name was Bonnie Elmore and he worked as a clerk or secretary for the old Norfolk & Western Railroad, based in Roanoke, VA. Mary is his wife. Norman is their first born son. The Raines are Mary's parents. Skin is Bonnie's brother along with Jake.

Bonnie's work associates and friends are also mentioned quite a bit. Bonnie does a great job of blending everyday life in 1915 with the mention of some world and USA history as well. I do know from a quick glance ahead that 1915 is going to be quite different as Bonnie did not write quite as much.

After Bonnie's diary entry, I will occasionally make comments, maybe tell a little about life in 2012, possibly some current events, and some musing about the Christian faith.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rogers Pond

On Friday, October 27, 1916 Bonnie Elmore wrote: Very Chilly. Arose 7:30. Went to work via Holiday St. and N&W station. Mr. Hill in office. "Little Bob" Boxley also came in. I read "Eyes of the World" all afternoon. "Gas man" came in. I rolled Norman out. We ate our supper at Mrs. R. Mrs. Raines feeling very badly. Aunt Annah and I went to Belmont Baptist Church. Got a telegram from Chauncey Elmore. On Saturday, October 28, 1916 Bonnie Elmore wrote: Warm-Clear. Arose 7:30. Made a fire. Got to work at 8:30. Mail light. Read my book "The Eyes of the World". Wrote specifications for W.P. Wiltsee. Mrs. Miller, Roy and wife, and Harry Raines came down at 2:30. I took their photo. Shaved and cut wood. Went to the auditorium at night to hear Carter Glass speak. On Sunday, October 29, 1916 Bonnie Elmore wrote: Cool-Rain. Arose at 8 a.m. Rolled Norman out toward Roger's pond and silk mill. Also to Mrs. Raines'. Went to office at 3:30 to see Capt. Rowan. I took flowers. Mrs. Cooper died Saturday. Went over home. Read Wash. Post. Everret came in and we changed hats. Raining. I came home at 8:30 and retired at 10:11 p.m. On Monday, October 30, 1916 Bonnie Elmore wrote: Raining. Arose at 7:15 a.m. Wrote for W.P.W. Mr. Pitzer in. Took Barometer to Express office. Got candy at Kress'. "Billy" Miller returned to office off his honey-moon. Took 1 film to Geo. Davis. Mary went up St. to change Norman's shoes. I stopped by Mrs. Raines after lunch. Took a bath and shaved at night. Ok, so the Miller mystery comes into a little clearer view now after these entries. Mrs. Miller, is Billy Miller's mother and that is who stayed at the Elmore's for a night or 2, possibly because the honey-mooning couple was at her house. Billy's wife is apparently just called "the wife" at this point. I can see where some of the Elmore's children got their names. I believe my grand-mother, Annah Lee (Mary and Bonnie's 2nd child), got her name from Aunt Annah who gets mentioned a lot in Bonnie's diary. And then today we read about Roger's pond which may not have anything to do with the naming of a later child, but I just found it interesting. I did not know there was a Rogers pond in Roanoke.

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